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Starts with Lean Impact

What is Lean Impact?

Lean Impact com­bines the agili­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty of the lean start­up approach with the goal of achiev­ing sus­tain­able social impact. While lean star­tups aim to devel­op mar­ketable prod­ucts quick­ly, lean impact focus­es on cre­at­ing solu­tions that are sus­tain­able and impact­ful.

The three basic prin­ci­ples of Lean Impact:

  1. Build: Quick­ly devel­op ini­tial solu­tion approach­es in order to receive ear­ly feed­back.
  2. Mea­sure: Col­lects rel­e­vant data to test assump­tions and make informed deci­sions.
  3. Learn: Use insights to con­tin­u­ous­ly improve your strat­e­gy and max­i­mize your impact.

Why Lean Impact is rel­e­vant for founders:

  • Quick adap­ta­tion: Avoid long devel­op­ment cycles by obtain­ing feed­back at an ear­ly stage.
  • Effi­cien­cy: tar­get your resources where they will have the great­est impact.
  • Max­i­mum impact: Solu­tions are devel­oped and opti­mized iter­a­tive­ly to effec­tive­ly address social chal­lenges.