Impact Man­age­ment and Mea­sure­ment

What is Impact Man­age­ment?

Impact man­age­ment is the key to turn­ing your vision of a bet­ter world into con­crete results. The point is to pur­sue soci­etal and envi­ron­men­tal goals as much as eco­nom­ic ones. While tra­di­tion­al man­age­ment focus­es on opti­miz­ing process­es and max­i­miz­ing prof­its, impact man­age­ment com­bines these approach­es with the pur­suit of mea­sur­able and sus­tain­able change. 

Impact man­age­ment means: 

  • Set­ting your focus: What are the social or envi­ron­men­tal chal­lenges that your start­up aims to address? 
  • Mea­sur­ing impact: What valu­able insights can you gain from your work? 
  • Adapt­ing strate­gies: Use the data from your mea­sure­ments to con­tin­u­ous­ly improve your impact. 
  • Moti­vat­ing sup­port­ers: Whether it’s your team or project part­ners, com­pelling impact sto­ries help you engage peo­ple and win them over to sup­port your vision. 

Why it mat­ters:

  • It helps you to set clear goals and to mon­i­tor your progress. 
  • It enables per­pet­u­al learn­ing and improve­ment. 
  • It shows investors and part­ners that your enter­prise does not just have good inten­tions but also deliv­ers results. 
  • It makes your work tan­gi­ble and under­stand­able— and sets you apart from oth­er star­tups. 

Pro­vide reli­able evi­dence how your work con­tributes to soci­etal or envi­ron­men­tal goals, for exam­ple, the amount of CO₂ your busi­ness has saved or how many peo­ple gained access to edu­ca­tion. 

Investors and part­ners look for com­pa­nies that don’t just tell com­pelling sto­ries but also back them up with tes­ti­mo­ni­als and data. 

We use your data in accor­dance with our . Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy.