The com­plete dig­i­tal guide for your impact start-up

The play­book

The deep dive to a struc­tured com­pa­ny foun­da­tion with impact. We pro­vide tips, con­text and frame­works in short lec­tures. All direct­ly and quick­ly.



IMM­PACT helps impact founders and impact investors to real­ize their full impact poten­tial. We strength­en their impact com­pe­ten­cies and estab­lish uni­form eval­u­a­tion stan­dards in the Ger­man impact-ori­ent­ed start-up ecosys­tem — mak­ing impact mea­sure­ment and man­age­ment (IMM) more acces­si­ble.

With the right tools — includ­ing our own impact matu­ri­ty mod­el — and infor­ma­tion bun­dled in one place, we ensure that every­one in the ecosys­tem speaks the same lan­guage. Because we can only move for­ward togeth­er if we under­stand each oth­er.

Before us lies the vision of an impact econ­o­my, the econ­o­my of tomor­row. When pos­i­tive social and eco­log­i­cal change and finan­cial suc­cess go hand in hand, the path is clear for a future in which com­pa­nies and finan­cial mar­kets act in an impact-ori­ent­ed man­ner.



Whether you are in the idea, start-up, growth or scal­ing and estab­lish­ment phase, our IMM­PACT mod­el shows you where you stand and reduces the oth­er­wise com­plex impact mea­sure­ment and man­age­ment process.

In the four sec­tions Impact Strat­e­gy, Impact Man­age­ment, Impact Gov­er­nance and Impact Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, you will see which require­ments your found­ed or financed impact start­up should ful­fill — and how you can take your impact to the next lev­el.


We use your data in accor­dance with our pri­va­cy pol­i­cy.



A clear overview in the impact jun­gle.
Our IMM­PACT matu­ri­ty mod­el is a help­ful guide for impact founders, because the com­plex­i­ty of the tools offered to date is too great a hur­dle to over­come. Those who deal with plan­ning, estab­lish­ing and imple­ment­ing impact-ori­ent­ed process­es in the ear­ly stages can see the path ahead much more clear­ly and know what needs to be done to attract impact investors.
Intu­itive han­dling with no frills.
The com­plex­i­ty of the tools avail­able to date is too great a hur­dle to over­come. The IMM­PACT matu­ri­ty mod­el is a first, sim­ple step towards mea­sur­ing and man­ag­ing your own impact. This allows founders who want to found or have already found­ed an impact start-up to focus on solv­ing fun­da­men­tal social and/​or eco­log­i­cal prob­lems with their busi­ness mod­el.
Speaks your lan­guage.
Investors, founders and ecosys­tem rep­re­sen­ta­tives do not always speak the same lan­guage when it comes to impact man­age­ment and mea­sure­ment. With the help of the matu­ri­ty mod­el, the stake­hold­ers can align their expec­ta­tions and meet on an equal foot­ing. This also makes it clear to investors what they can expect and demand from impact start-ups in terms of IMM at dif­fer­ent stages.
Sim­ple meets effec­tive.
Investors in impact start-ups want to ensure that their invest­ment has an impact. The IMM­PACT matu­ri­ty mod­el helps investors and founders with social and envi­ron­men­tal goals to com­mu­ni­cate their impact more effi­cient­ly and real­ize their full impact poten­tial.
So that Impact is inside where it says Impact.
Thanks to the IMM­PACT matu­ri­ty mod­el, investors know exact­ly what they can expect and demand from impact start-ups in terms of IMM at dif­fer­ent stages. This allows them to sup­port the investees in a more tar­get­ed man­ner and bet­ter clas­si­fy the joint roadmap.
Brings light into the dark­ness.
Because there are still no defined cri­te­ria for impact invest­ing, it is essen­tial for investors to have clar­i­ty about their own invest­ments. The IMM­PACT matu­ri­ty mod­el takes into account the require­ments of impact man­age­ment & mea­sure­ment in the var­i­ous phas­es of a start-up and thus cre­ates clear expec­ta­tions.
Tar­get­ed towards impact.
The IMM­PACT matu­ri­ty mod­el enables start-up advi­sors and oth­er ecosys­tem rep­re­sen­ta­tives who want to sup­port impact founders to pro­vide cus­tomized advice. The guid­ance frame­work pro­vid­ed by the mod­el cre­ates clar­i­ty on IMM prac­tices and require­ments at dif­fer­ent stages of an impact start-up’s devel­op­ment.
New stan­dards for the impact econ­o­my.
The goal of polit­i­cal actors to pro­mote impact-ori­ent­ed com­pa­nies and change the reg­u­la­to­ry frame­work requires tools that stan­dard­ize the man­age­ment and mea­sure­ment of impact. The IMM­PACT matu­ri­ty mod­el lays the foun­da­tion for such a stan­dard.
The basis for more.
The matu­ri­ty mod­el is a first step and can be used and fur­ther devel­oped by actors in the non-prof­it sec­tor or the pub­lic sec­tor as a basis for their own mod­els.



The project is a coop­er­a­tion between the Ber­tels­mann Stiftung, PHI­NEO, the Fed­er­al Ini­tia­tive for Impact Invest­ing and the Social Entre­pre­neur­ship Net­work Ger­many (SEND).

Togeth­er, we are work­ing on the impact econ­o­my — a future in which the econ­o­my and finan­cial mar­kets act in an impact-ori­ent­ed man­ner.

Togeth­er with part­ners, we strength­en the impact start-up ecosys­tem. In the areas of impact and financ­ing, we cre­ate offers for founders with social and eco­log­i­cal goals so that they can com­mu­ni­cate their impact more effi­cient­ly and exploit their full impact poten­tial.

Par­tic­i­pa­tion in the “IMM­PACT” coop­er­a­tion project is an impor­tant key for SEND to help shape the impact econ­o­my of tomor­row. Our aim is to improve the frame­work con­di­tions and the ecosys­tem for impact-ori­ent­ed start-ups and to offer tar­get­ed sup­port ser­vices.

Our goal is to make impact more tan­gi­ble for all social actors. With IMM­PACT, we make our knowl­edge avail­able to impact founders and impact investors in a sim­ple way. In this way, we expand the skills of founders and investors and thus con­tribute to the impact econ­o­my.

With IMM­PACT, the Bun­desini­tia­tive Impact Invest­ing (BIII) is com­mit­ted to improv­ing the frame­work con­di­tions for impact invest­ing in young social enter­pris­es. We cre­ate knowl­edge and exper­tise on impact invest­ing and the impact invest­ing mar­ket through tai­lor-made edu­ca­tion­al offers, eval­u­ate and har­mo­nize stan­dards for impact analy­sis and ensure appro­pri­ate trans­paren­cy through accom­pa­ny­ing stud­ies.



    We use your data in accor­dance with our pri­va­cy pol­i­cy.